This is Victoria Martinsen. You can read about her at http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/victoriamartinsen
She joined forces with Heaven yesterday, Sunday November 1st. I've been following her struggles, and that of her family, since her diagnosis January, 2007. Her mother so eloquently expressed her day-to-day battle, victories, sorrows and joy almost daily for the past 2+ years. Victoria had just turned 4 years old when it was discovered that she had cancer. She fought like a true soldier . . . and put many to shame with her bravery.
I followed her mom, Elizabeth, with each journal entry. I cried, I laughed and I scratched my head in wonder at the lengths LOVE takes us . . . the strength of LOVE to move us through diagnoses that tells us what we cannot bear to hear. How her family fought daily for her life, never giving in to the "impossible", but always standing in HOPE for a better day.
When I ponder Victoria's short life and what she accomplished in so few years, I realize how little I've accomplished in 50! The Martinsen family learned about living in the Moment. They understand, better than I may ever, what it means to enjoy NOW. Though disaster loomed near in a mocking sort of way, they never let it's intrusion stand in the way of a good sense of humor and seizing the opportunity to laugh at everyday blunders. Bravery. Courage. Honor.
Elizabeth shared every moment with us ~ The Caringbridge Subscribers ~ making herself vulnerable and revealing her humanity. She is a strong believer in miracles . . . in Jesus' capability to heal her daughter . . . and yet, she was a mom whose breath would be knocked out of her with every report of another setback. Not supermom, but close. Well, to me she was and is supermom. She's as close to a supermom as I'll ever see. And having experienced just a small taste of this evil disease and it's ravages upon a family, I am in awe at the GRACE the Martinsen family carried in this fiery trial.
Victoria has 2 brothers, Alexander and Niklas. Alexander is 8 and Nicklas, I believe, is 2. Yes, Elizabeth and Nils, her dad, gave birth to a precious baby boy during his horrible fight. And, may I add, sicknesses in siblings is not put on HOLD just because one suffers with a life-threatening disease. Victoria's parents made always certain her brothers' needs were well attended to. In all my life, I've never witnessed such a faithful group of supporters.
I'm rambling. I'm also questioning. Her name is Victoria. Her name means 'Victory'. We can say that she ultimately won because she's with Jesus. I'll bet her parents wish she were with them, though. I'll bet her parents would rather have seen another VICTORY. I would have. I'll bet her parents and her brothers and her extended family would have seen healing as the ultimate victory . . . as I project my feelings and how I'm sure I would feel.
Again, I'm rambling. I just needed to say something about her. About this brave little girl and her brave family. About a fight that was fought with the gloves of a professional boxer. With a fight that was fought in the vein of a Roller Derby match, kicking & screaming . . . refusing to give up and simply lie down and take it. I know one thing for sure, the enemy of our souls did not win. And I also know that he went away with more than a few scratches!
In a final act of LOVE, the Martinsen's donated Victoria's body to Duke in hopes of finding a cure for this evil. Please pray for this family. Oh . . . there's a great story about her at: http://www.wbtv.com/global/story.asp?s=11427269
Goodnight . . .
Beautiful Reflection